80016 Apoyar a los niños a través de un modelo de bondad de ajuste Comprender el comportamiento de

Event Details

Los participantes examinarán la investigación sobre el desarrollo del cerebro y sus implicaciones en las prácticas educativas, integrando el enfoque sensoriomotor para apoyar el comportamiento de los niños. Exploraremos la historia y la teoría detrás de los Cuatro Temperamentos y cuestionaremos su uso para ayudar a los niños a aplicar un modelo de “bondad de ajuste”. Los participantes diseñarán estrategias para apoyar comportamientos desafiantes.

Participants will examine research on brain development and implications on educational practices, integrating sensory motor approach to support children’s behavior. We will explore the history and theory behind the Four Temperament and question its use to support children applying a “Goodness of Fit” model. Participants will design strategies to support challenging behavior.

Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual




Terms: All participants must pay with a credit card or with a scholarship code issued by Clackamas CCR&R and must register for zoom classes in advance, the zoom link will be included in the class confirmation email. Classes canceled less than 2 business days in advance of the training date are not eligible for a refund. Hours will only be issued to participants who arrive no later than 15 minutes after the class begins, hours will be automatically uploaded to ORO by Clackamas CCR&R. Certificates will be emailed within a week of the class. Participants can only take one live online class at a time.

Eva Fitzsimons

Session Information

Start: Monday February 26th, 2024 at 06:00 pm
End: Monday February 26th, 2024 at 08:00 pm
Instructor: Francis Fernandez
Prerequisites: Terms: All participants must pay with a credit card or with a scholarship code issued by Clackamas CCR&R and must register for zoom classes in advance, the zoom link will be included in the class confirmation email. Classes canceled less than 2 business days in advance of the training date are not eligible for a refund. Hours will only be issued to participants who arrive no later than 15 minutes after the class begins, hours will be automatically uploaded to ORO by Clackamas CCR&R. Certificates will be emailed within a week of the class. Participants can only take one live online class at a time.

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