Exploring Jewish Identity and Culture in Elementary School


Event Details

Addressing antisemitism begins in elementary school by exploring the complexity of Jewish identity. After an introductory mini-lesson reviewing key vocabulary and dates about Jewish history and identity, we’ll model and explore two OJMCHE learning opportunities that are designed to address k-5 standards while introducing Jewish culture and history through active learning projects. Our new Jewish holiday workshop series allows students to understand the unique aspects of Jewish holidays as well as make connections to other cultural celebrations. Additionally, our new traveling suitcase resource utilizes primary source materials to have students learn about Jewish life and culture through an Oregon Jewish immigrant experience. 

Presented as part of a Sereise:

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SOESD Medford
101 N. Grape St.
Medford, OR 97501

Downstairs Conference Room




Aaron Cooke

Session Information

Start: Tuesday August 6th, 2024 at 01:00 pm
End: Tuesday August 6th, 2024 at 04:00 pm
PDUs: 3.00
Instructor: Amanda Coven

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