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SOREN Summit: Ricky Robertson's "Implementing Trauma-Informed Practices to Foster Resilience"
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Event Description
In this in-person workshop, Ricky Robertson will build upon the knowledge learned around educator well-being and understanding ACEs to focus on transforming your sphere of influence and focusing on trauma-informed social emotional learning.
Participants will:
Expand their capacity to foster resilience and success for their students and themselves.
Develop multi-tiered strategies to support the behavioral, social-emotional and academic success of all students, especially those impacted by ACEs and trauma.
Develop action plans to implement a multi-tiered trauma-informed framework in their schools. They will identify needs, strengths, and growth areas that are specific to their school.
To maximize PD results, participants need to be able to:
Continue to practice self-care and engage in building-wide efforts to support educator resilience and well-being.
Respond to the underlying needs of student behavior by fostering a sense of safety, belonging and feeling valued.
Utilize restorative practices to build community, restore relationships and repair harm.
Partner with community organizations and families to improve service provision to all students, especially those impacted by ACEs and trauma.
Teach, model and reinforce a trauma-sensitive social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum throughout their school.
Work continuously in school-based teams to develop, implement, monitor and improve multi-tiered trauma-informed supports and interventions.
About Ricky Robertson:
I am an educator, author and consultant who has worked with alternative and traditional schools, serving students from grades preK-12 within urban, suburban, and semi-rural communities. I provide coaching, consultation and multi-day professional development workshops to build systems of support for students impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma, and the educators who work with them. I have a background in restorative justice/RJ practices, culturally responsive teaching, LGBTQ+ student advocacy, and trauma-informed practices for teaching and behavior management.
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Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
Curricular Group
Free to all educators within SOESD component districts
Contact Information
Forest Evergreen
15417768590 x1143
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Wednesday August 7th, 2024 at 09:00 am
Wednesday August 7th, 2024 at 04:00 pm
Instructor: Ricky Robertson
Registration not available through PDNetworks at this time
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