webPD Social-Emotional Learning 101 - SMBH - Term I 2024/25

Event Details

In this five week, five module, asynchronous online course conducted through Canvas (not Zoom), participants will:
  • Gain a basic understanding of the research supporting the application of social and emotional learning (SEL) in the school setting.
  • Learn the five key competencies of SEL.
  • Learn the benefits of developing adult SEL skills in the school setting.
  • Explore ideas for incorporating SEL curriculum and practices into classroom and school settings.
  • Identify specific SEL strategies and practices to employ in participants’ current work settings.
Registration closes at 12 pm on Friday, September 27th, 2024. Everyone who registered in PDNetworks, and made it into the course, will receive an email that includes the Canvas enrollment link and instructions for enrolling in the Canvas webPD course from an SOESD administrative assistant the Thursday before the course begins.

Note: This course qualifies for Southern Oregon University’s School Mental and Behavioral Health micro-credential. If you are interested in receiving SOU credit for participating in the SMBH micro-credential program, please click here for more information.

Please review SOESD's Computer Use Agreement by following this link
If you have questions related to SOESD's Computer Use Agreement, please reach out to Tanya Frisendahl at tanya_frisendahl@soesd.k12.or.us

Online Canvas Course



Free for employees of SOESD/SOESD's 13 component districts; $50 for local college students; $50 for community members participating in SOU's SMBH Micro-Credential program; $149 for agencies & community members of Jackson/Josephine/Klamath Counties; and $199 for people outside Jackson/Josephine/Klamath Counties

Forest Evergreen

Session Information

Start: Saturday September 28th, 2024 at 05:00 am
End: Saturday November 2nd, 2024 at 11:59 pm
PDUs: 5.00
Instructor: Grace Gonzales

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