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(BSAT) Behavioral Safety Assessment Team Level 1 Training 2025
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Event Description
A 1-day training that focuses on maintaining a sustainable, community-based preventive behavioral threat assessment system composed of site-based Level 1 teams and a community-based Level 2 team. Audience members should include Level 1 school and district-based staff who comprise Level 1 teams. The training will provide the following:
A review of the basic concepts of violence prevention and behavioral threat assessment and management
A review of youth violence, examining research and best practice prescriptive recommendations for assessment and management
A review of the dynamics and risk factors for reactive aggression and targeted violence within in K-12 schools
The use of preventive behavioral threat assessment, equity, inclusion, restorative practice, and trauma-informed care to decrease expulsions, arrests, and dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline
An examination of bias and how to avoid it through collaborative assessment and training
Case study exercises as example of application
Q and A
Courtenay McCarthy
is the lead school psychologist in student preventive behavioral threat assessment and management for Salem-Keizer Public Schools, is chair of the Mid-Valley Student Threat Assessment Team and is a member of the Marion County Threat Advisory Team. While partnering with John Van Dreal, she has refined the Salem-Keizer student threat assessment system to reflect leading practice in behavioral threat assessment, violence prevention, early intervention, and equitable practices. Courtenay has over two decades of experience in prevention, threat assessment and management, psychoeducational evaluation, intervention with at-risk youth and families, and behavioral consultation and intervention. As a certified threat manager and nationally certified school psychologist, she regularly provides training and consultation on student threat assessment systems implementation and youth violence to school districts and community agencies throughout the nation. She also provides workshops, symposiums, and content presentations to national audiences. In addition, Courtenay is a contributing author to the book,
Assessing Student Threats: Implementing the Salem-Keizer System – Second Edition
(Van Dreal, et al. 2017).
MESD Ainsworth Building
11611 NE Ainsworth Circle
Portland, OR 97220
Contact Information
Leslie Taylor
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Start: Wednesday April 16th, 2025 at 08:00 AM
End: Wednesday April 16th, 2025 at 04:00 PM
MESD Ainsworth Building
11611 NE Ainsworth Circle
Portland, OR 97220
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