Event Details
Welcome to Introduction to the Science of Reading!
This series is for paraeducators which includes titles such as IAs, EAs, TAs, and Paras. Generally, any classified instructional position.
In this 8 part series, you will gain an understanding of the science behind how our brains learn to read and how we can best teach to encourage that learning. The first 4 sessions are dedicated to the "why" - examining scientific research in literacy and learning about the structure of English spelling. The following 4 sessions shift to the "how" - applying understanding from the first half to examine the elements of structured literacy and practice teaching lessons in a supportive environment.
We recognize that paraeducators (IAs, EAs, TAs) all have varying degrees of professional experience and learning. Because of this, sessions in this series are designed to be mostly independent of each other so that you can decide which you need and which you already know. However, understanding of concepts and models presented in previous sessions will be assumed as the series continues. In other words, it’s ok to skip sessions if you’re certain you already have a firm understanding of the topic. If you’re not sure, it’s best to attend.
Elizabeth Israel-Davis
Session Information