86973 (STATE) Estrategias para Trabajar y Asociarse con las Familias: Implementación/Strategies for Working and Partnering with Families: Implementation

Event Details

Description: En esta sesión, exploraremos formas de asociarnos con las familias para apoyar el aprendizaje de sus hijos y cerrar la brecha entre el programa y el hogar. Planificaremos actividades y oportunidades para que las familias participen en el aprendizaje de sus hijos a través de eventos significativos y oportunidades de voluntariado que se encuentren en su zona de confort.
Set 2, FCS 

In this session, we will explore ways to partner with families to support their child's learning and bridge the gap between the program and home. We will plan activities and opportunities for families to engage in their child's learning through meaningful events and volunteer opportunities that are in their comfort zone.



Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual



Terms: All participants must pay with a credit card or with a scholarship code issued by Clackamas CCR&R and must register for zoom classes in advance, the zoom link will be included in the class confirmation email. Classes canceled less than 2 business days in advance of the training date are not eligible for a refund. Please call 503 675-4100 or email ccrr@clacked.org to request a refund; refunds are not automatic. Hours will only be issued to participants who arrive no later than 15 minutes after the class begins, hours will be automatically uploaded to ORO by Clackamas CCR&R. Certificates will be emailed within a week of the class. Participants can only take one live online class at a time.

Eva F

Session Information

Start: Monday June 30th, 2025 at 06:00 pm
End: Monday June 30th, 2025 at 07:30 pm
Instructor: Elda M Perez
Prerequisites: Terms: All participants must pay with a credit card or with a scholarship code issued by Clackamas CCR&R and must register for zoom classes in advance, the zoom link will be included in the class confirmation email. Classes canceled less than 2 business days in advance of the training date are not eligible for a refund. Please call 503 675-4100 or email ccrr@clacked.org to request a refund; refunds are not automatic. Hours will only be issued to participants who arrive no later than 15 minutes after the class begins, hours will be automatically uploaded to ORO by Clackamas CCR&R. Certificates will be emailed within a week of the class. Participants can only take one live online class at a time.

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