Implementing the OSAS Interim Assessments - On-Demand Online Course 2024/25

Event Details


Oregon's Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) provides Oregon educators free access to a suite of interim assessment resources aligned to Oregon’s ELA, Math, and Science Standards. The OSAS Interim Assessments provide evidence of students' learning connected to Oregon's challenging academic standards across a wide range of cognitive complexity. This course will equip participants with the tools to determine which specific interim assessments are best aligned to instructional opportunities for collecting evidence of learning and then modifying or scaffolding additional instruction.

Module Objectives

The course's five modules are designed to help participants gain a greater understanding of the following key concepts:
  • Understanding Oregon's Statewide Assessment System, including interim assessments and formative assessment practices
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of the complexity of Oregon’s Academic Content Standards
  • Selecting appropriate interim assessment blocks (IABs) to administer to students in alignment with curriculum goals
  • Accessing data to identify instructional strengths and areas where additional support is needed to maximize student learning
  • Building and sustaining appropriate uses of the OSAS Interim Assessments within created or existing curriculum maps and pacing guides
You may find it helpful to download and save and/or print this Reflection Template as you proceed through the course. While not required, the reflection template can help you capture your learning in each module.

Module Overview

  • Module 1: Overview of OSAS Interim Assessments 
    • This module serves as an introduction to OSAS Interim Assessments, including their purpose and design, as well as the different layers of data made available through student results.
  • Module 2: Connecting OSAS Interim Assessments to ELA, Math, and Science Standards 
    • This module explains how OSAS Interim Assessments connect with Oregon Academic Content Standards, including ELA Anchor Standards, Math Clusters, and Science Performance Expectations.
  • Module 3: Selecting and Administering OSAS Interim Assessments
    • This module will illustrate how to select and administer an OSAS Interim Assessment Block (IAB) or Focused IAB.
  • Module 4: Accessing Data from the OSAS Interim Assessments
    • This module will detail how to access data from the OSAS Interim Assessments, as well as how these data can be used to adjust instruction.
  • Module 5: Embedding OSAS Interim Assessments in Curriculum
    • This module sustains the use of OSAS Interim Assessments by suggesting possible ways to embed IABs and Focused IABs in curriculum maps and unit plans.
*PDUs are awarded within 30 days of completing the course.

Online Canvas Course



Crystal Salas

Session Information

PDUs: 1.00
Instructor: No facilitator - On-demand course
PDUs: 1.00
Instructor: No facilitator - On-demand course
PDUs: 1.00
Instructor: No facilitator - On-demand course
PDUs: 1.00
Instructor: No facilitator - On-demand course
PDUs: 1.00
Instructor: No facilitator - On-demand course


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