Looking Back to Move Forward (Wednesday)
The history of Oregon and the United States; our laws, policies, and interactions with our communities of color show strong patterns over the years that still influence how we engage in schools and throughout our communities today. Explore a timeline of history and learn more about the legacy and continuing beliefs and behaviors around race, immigration and education that impact the decisions we all make today. To more accurately understand how race and its counterpart, racism, are woven into the very fabric of American society, we must explore the history of how race, White privilege, as well as prejudice, discrimination and oppression of Blacks, Indigenous Peoples and People of Color came to be. Oregonians can not effectively lead for equity without understanding the legacy of oppression and privilege intertwined in our history of race, immigration and education. You will learn many things about Oregon and the United States that you never knew and be reminded of others that you've forgotten.